
Return of the Nightmare King: 3

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Fae-CaptainofDreams's avatar

Literature Text

[This is typed out in mine and Ash-NavofDreams' role playing format.]

(Back at North's workshop everyone is on edge.
Tooth keeps flying back and forth thoughtfully, rambling as her nerves take hold of her.)

Tooth: What if Pitch hurts them? They might be trapped! Should we go find them?

North: No! If they show up and we are not here, what will they do then?

Tooth: Ohhh...!

(She flutters back and forth.
Her fairies try to console her but she doesn't stay still long enough for them to be able to help.
Eventually they just give up.

Bunny has been unusually quiet; he knows if he were to say anything, the others may know he's worried and he wants to stay strong for Tooth's sake, seeing as how she's a nervous wreck.
However, they're worries are soon eased when Jack bursts in.)

Jack: Hey guys! *smiling big*

Bunny: *perks up* Jack! *walks over to him* It's about time, mate. 

Jack: Awwww, you weren't worried, were you? *grins*

Tooth: Jack!


(She flies up and just about crashes into him, hugging him tight.
Her fairies hug his head, squeaking.

Jack hugs her back out of reflex, then pauses at the hug and looks at her.)

Jack: Heh... *blushes some*

(Suddenly he remembers what's going on and he clears his throat to regain composure.)

Jack: *gently let's go of her* Well um... *turns to North* Hey North you like presents, right?

North: AH! You're back and in one piece! *slaps a hand on his back*


(All the fairies fly off from the force.)


North: Of COURSE i like presents!

Jack: Well I got a great one for you. *turns to the door* Bring it in, Sandy!

(In walks Sandy, and behind him a floating cage containing none other than Pitch Black and just for effect, Sandy has added a little sand bow on top.
Everyone suddenly gets a little somber at seeing Pitch for the first time in so long.
Tooth's fairies hover close to her, but North finally chuckles, and then laughs.)


North: HA HA! Good job, you two! I LOVE the bow! Very good, present done right!

Tooth: //he looks so...fragile...//


(Pitch is extremely un-amused at the situation he's in.
On display, in a cage like some sort of animal or prisoner.
He's still holding the bars, face and body leaning against it and he's scowling.)


Pitch: ...........


(His eyes dart around briefly around at everyone, then simply at the globe.
Sandy has the bow disappear, chuckling.
Bunny walks up to the cage and frowns before turning to North.)

Bunny: I still say this is a terrible idea. I-I mean I really don't think we could ever trust him. *points at Pitch* This man is a raving lunatic! 

Jack: Hey come on Bunny, I thought you were on board. *walks up to him* We all agreed on this, remember?

(Despite his decrepit state Pitch can't help but grin and respond to Bunny.)


Pitch: Nice to see you too, Bunnymund. Thanks for the compliment, by the way.

Tooth: *takes a step closer* What happened to you? You look...*shrinks* awful...

Pitch: Well, i try. *smirk fades slightly*

Jack: Okay I think it's time we told him why we brought him here in the first place. 

Bunny: Ha! Good luck getting him to agree on anything. *frowns* He'd probably sooner stab out his own eyes then help us!

(Bunny walk off towards the globe and leans against the control panel.)

Sandy: *cringes at the image*

(Pitch's brows flicker and he nods slightly to himself, almost seeming to agree with Bunny.)


North: Yes, it is time to talk.


(North walks toward Pitch slowly, tall but with sincerity in his eyes and in his voice.
Pitch looks apprehensive, his eyes hard and studying North's every move.
As he gets closer Pitch breathes a little faster.)


North: Truth is, as much as it pains us, we need your fear.

Pitch: *looks confused* ....Do what?

North: The children, they...they are not scared -- of anything! They are getting hurt more, trusting bad people, and even dying. A world with a little fear is helpful, but a world without any is...just not safe anymore...

Jack: So that's why we need you. *looks at Pitch* We have to save the kids.

(Bunny just stays by the Globe, scowling and not saying a thing.
He pulls out a boomerang and begins to examine it, trying to look like he isn't listening.
Sandy walks over to Bunny as comfort and as a friend, smiling up at him.)

Pitch: ...*blinks* Okay, okay wait now, let me make sure i understand. So, you're saying that in my absence, there's so little fear that children are acting stupid? Hah! What, you chase the Boogeyman back under the bed and the world loses its senses? *leans back slightly as he laughs* That's fanTASTIC, HAHa haaah!

(He laughs his usual laugh, only it's a little more hoarse and wheezy in his poor health.
He doesn't seem to care.

Meanwhile something in Bunny snaps when he hears Pitch's laugh.)

Bunny: *runs up to the cage* Oh, you filthy ratbag! 

(Bunny pulls his hand back into a fist, getting ready to swing his hand through the bars and deck Pitch with all his might.)

Jack: Bunny!

(North runs up and catches Bunny's fist in his hand.
Pitch had actually looked up at Bunny daringly when he'd raised his fist, calling the possible bluff if one existed.)

North: No, Bunny. No more fighting. It is fighting that causes the problems...*softly* We need peace...

(He looks at Bunny with endearing, sad eyes.
Pitch just smirks, practically tasting their desperation.
Bunny looks at North, rage still filling his eyes, but when his gaze meets North's his eyes soften slowly.
He looks at him for a minute, breathing heavily, then sighs and looks down, his whole body relaxing.)

Bunny: Fine.... *looks down, ears falling* I'm fine....

(He waits for North to let him go, still looking at the floor.
Sandy walks back up to Bunny and puts a hand on his knee to comfort him.)

Bunny: Thanks, Sandy...

(North gently lets him go and steps back again.)


Pitch: Awww, aren't you all such a kind bunch. Forgiving, loyal, attentive...*looks bored* You all sicken me.


(Tooth approaches now, her fairies hovering behind her.)


Tooth: Pitch, we...

Pitch: ....Mm?

Tooth: We really, really need this. If you could just--

Pitch: *snaps at her* NO!

Tooth: *jumps back*

Pitch: *fierce* I tried things my way and it wasn't good enough for all of you! And now that you've gotten your way it's backfired, so you can all just suffer the way i have for the last 30 years...

North: Your way was bad because there was not balance! Too much bad, and there is no point to spread more! But...too much good, and bad makes itself, and gets out of control.


(Pitch stands tall and leans in as much as he can on the bars, their shadows casting lines on his face.
He is soft, but his message is very clear.)


Pitch: I guess there really is no such thing as Utopia, is there.


(The mood in the room becomes somber.
Bunny scowls angrily at Pitch, his hands balling up into fists again but then he sighs and quickly relaxes some, not wanting to give in to Pitch's game.
Sandy stays by Bunny's side just to make sure he's okay.
Sandy himself looks very upset trying to fight the worry that the children of the world may not make it.
Even Jack is struck speechless, for Pitch's words really do ring true.
But when all seems lost, suddenly North starts to put the right words together in his head.

He looks up at Pitch with soft eyes, full of light and has a steady tone.)

North: When Winter comes, Jack Frost makes the fun and snow and gives the happiness to children. But, when Springtime comes, Jack Frost pulls back, and allows for there to be balance.

(He starts to walk around and Pitch watches him, apparent frustration building in him.)

North: At night when the children sleep, the Sandman gives them good dreams. But when the sun rises again, Sandy pulls back, and lets them go on with the day. He does not make them stay sleeping so for to keep using his power.

Pitch: *snide* Well how am i supposed to help any of you if the Sandman and i are at odds for children's dreams?

North: Sometimes nightmares can be good. When child has problem, bad dream lets them know what they need to figure out when they are awake. But you can do more! Just make mischief, help keep people JUST nervous enough to stay safe.

Pitch: ...*blink*

North: Don't you see, Pitch? If you just have control, you can help people.

Pitch: Why would i want to do that? That's YOUR job.

(He leans on the cage coolly, looking bored.
Jack paces for a second, boiling from frustration.)


Jack: It can be your job, too! Kids NEED to learn! How can you be so stubborn and selfish?! I thought you wanted to be free!

Pitch: Blame your precious Man in the Moon for that, Frost! You may all have forgotten, but once upon a time life WAS balanced before you all came along! During the Dark Ages people were afraid, ohhh yes, they were scared and you know what? People didn't jump off of buildings, children didn't expose themselves to sexually deranged adults, and families stayed together.

North: Nooow now Pitch, we ALL know that was not why you made them afraid.

Pitch: Maybe not, but i can assure you things were much simpler then. Perhaps your real battle is with old Manny.

Tooth: No!

(They all look at her.)

Tooth: I won't have you turn this on Manny! *sighs, calming down* Life changes sometimes, Pitch. I know you want power, but the reality is you just can't be on top anymore.

North: Tooth is right. We Guardians do not interfere with each other when it is our turn to do good.

(Pitch's eyes fill with something akin to pain, but not the physical pain he still feels in his body.
Rather, it's something of the soul.)

Pitch: Even if i were to be moderate, people will NEVER stop hating me for what i do. Children, adults, NONE of them...People don't see the benefit of fear, they don't underSTAND common sense or where it comes from!

North: And now of all times, they don't.

Tooth: We're asking you to work with us, Pitch...

Pitch: Eugh so what, you, nh...You want equality...? This, this...balance? For me to just work menially like all of you? ...Tame?

(He seems so confused by these ideas, bewildered even.
He looks around at them in waiting for an answer.)

Jack: Well YEAH! *sighs* Let me try and word this in a way you'll understand.

(Jack walks up to Pitch with courage in his eyes and looks directly at him.)

Jack: *voice soft* You either work with us to help restore the balance, or we shove you back under the bed for good.

(Jack doesn't break eye contact, and doesn't waver in the slightest.
A chilling quietness fills the room.

Pitch just stares at him with a conflicted, stone gaze.
Like a cat, never blinking, expression unchanging.

The tension between the two is thicker than the blackest bits of Pitch's outfit, and it's quiet for a long time.
After a minute he breaks his gaze with Jack reluctantly, but he has to look away so he can consider the circumstances.

Just the idea of being sent back under the bed already creates a nauseating, burning pain in Pitch's chest, like a pill he can't swallow -- a pill on FIRE to only add to his current pain.
But to be free, and re-enter a world where he's hated just for being who he is no matter what he does, and being controlled and forced out of power by everyone else?

It's almost as bad!
After millennia of being solitary and vile and in control, he just simply knows no other way.

What is he supposed to do?
He just stares off, eyes wide as he tries to sort out the pros and cons in his mind.)

Pitch: .................................


Jack: *calmly* Well Pitch? What's it gonna be? *shrugs* The choice is yours.

(Sandy and even Bunny are quiet and watching in anticipation.
At the sound of Jack's voice Pitch shakes his head a little, eyes flickering back and forth quickly.
His eclipse-colored eyes glow through the shade all around him.

He readjusts his hands' placement on the bars, his fingers trembling as they recoil.
Slumping a little, his legs feeling like jelly he sighs shakily under his breath.

When he speaks, his voice is as small, soft and fleeting as the wind.)

Pitch: ...........Fine...*swallows subtly*

(Now more than ever does he truly look dethroned.
Everyone exchanges glances, still very unsure of what to think.)

Bunny: You better not be trying to pull a fast one mate, because you KNOW what will happen if you do.

Jack: *looks at North* You think we can let him out now?

(Pitch looks nervous, ignoring Bunny.)


North: *strokes his beard, looking at Pitch and thinking* Hmmm...first, we must set rules!

Pitch: *exasperated* Ohhh, my GOD! *head bars*


(Pitch closes his sore eyes while North talks, the urge to sit down so strong it's as if gravity is yelling at him to just do it.
But he stays strong, and stands.)


North: I think it would be best for all to stay here, Pitch included! We must keep an eye on him. Aaand...*looks at Sandy* I think Sandy should be one to stay by him most of the time!

Sandy: *jumps slightly and looks slightly shocked* ??? *points to himself*

Jack: *cant help but chuckle* Hey don't look so surprised, Sandy. If anyone here is qualified to babysit Pitch it's you. *smiles*

Bunny: Haha ha! Babysit? Oh that's rich. Nice one, Jack. *grins*

Jack: *shrugs* Eh I try. *chuckles*

(Pitch's eyes open slowly.
He glares at Jack, forehead still against the bars.)


Pitch: *growls deeply in his throat*

North: All right Sandy, let him go. *puts his hands on his hips*


(The fairies start to look a little riled up.
Sandy nods at North once and with a snap of his fingers, the cage vanishes.
Bunny watches him very closely just to make sure he doesn't try anything funny.
Pitch looks around in a bit of surprise, not sure what to do or where to go.)


Pitch: *glances around at all of them*  ........*frowns* What?!

Tooth: Um...what now?


(The fairies yawn, all one by one.
Without the bars to lean against Pitch is stuck with his aching body and no leverage.
He looks down briefly as pain shoots through his legs and chest but he bites his tongue and stands tall, a little wavering.
The agony has been slowly increasing since they arrived but he's managed to keep it together so far.)


North: Well, it is late in the day. Tooth, Sandy and Pitch might want to go to sleep, eh? 


(Pitch looks up with hope in his eyes.)


Tooth: *rubs an eye* That would be GREAT. *smiles sleepily*

Bunny: *stretches some* Yeah I guess I wouldn't mind getting some shut eye. See ya in a bit, Tooth. *nods at Jack* You too Jack.

Jack: Hahaha! A sleepover at North's workshop. *chuckles and shakes his head* You sure you've got enough rooms? *looks at North*

(Sandy begins to yawn quietly, feeling rather tired too.
Seeing everyone depart Pitch knows he's going to have the chance to run soon if he can get away from Sandy.)


North: Of course, i have plenty of room! Plenty of space up by roof. *points and smiles big* 

Jack: That's all I needed to hear. *smiles*

(Jack takes off flying towards where North pointed, laughing slightly as he does.
Part of his laughs are from nerves at this new weird situation.
Sandy too, begins to float off to find a place to sleep.

After exchanging good-nights (or mornings, really), Pitch watches them all start to wander off.
Even North leaves the room to do some work.

Pitch glances at Sandy, then turns and eyes the exit.
He morphs into the shadows and in a flash, he's gone.

Jack quickly finds a room that happens to be next to Bunny's room and Sandy takes the one next to Jack's.)

Bunny: *plops down on his bed* Ruddy waist of time and space, no good Pitch... *rolls to his side* //I just hope we don't end up regretting this...//

(Once Sandy is in his room he looks around and realizes...he forgot about Pitch!
Panicked, he begins to look for him.

Meanwhile Pitch has jolted outside, into the snow in broad daylight.
He runs drunkenly, his legs nearly failing him by this point.

But...he isn't running to escape them.
He knows that if he were to run and get caught he would have zero chances of winning, and he'd go back under the bed.

But he wants to, he HAS to get away for just a minute or two and not have anyone watching him.
As he flees he eventually loses footing and falls into the snow, then sits up quickly, leaning to his right.

He sits on the side of his rear, legs folded under the left of him.
He can't help but curse aloud.)


Pitch: Ah! SHHHHIT....

(It doesn't take long for the short man to find his missing "guest," so to speak.
Sandy quickly floats over toward him wordlessly.
His back turned to Sandy, Pitch is too deep in his own misery to sense him there.
The spirit holds his legs, hunched forward and breathing in painful huffs.

He knows he should have just followed Sandy and gone to bed, but he NEEDS a second to just let it out.
He has a very high pain tolerance, so this groan is of a very rare type.)


Pitch: A-ah... EUUUHuh! Ack...!


(He hunches forward painfully again, his voice echoing out into the wind.
It's not rest, but having gotten to shout felt good in a psychological way.
He briefly allows his body to tremble from the flaming ache while the subtle arctic wind tussles his messy hair.

Meanwhile Sandy pauses at this sound of distress, completely shocked.
In all their years Sandy has never heard Pitch make any cry of utter pain, and seeing him now is rather jarring.
He studies him and sees how very ragged Pitch looks, and his eyes become very sad.
He hadn't stopped to think of how exhausted Pitch must be from years of being drained by his own magic, and it's that very process which has riddled his body so frail.
Pitch has been eaten alive, the equivalent of a deer walking around with their insides burned out.
He breathes shakily and heavily for a minute, his chest heaving and wheezing and he lets a few grunts escape.

All he wants to do is just lay in the snow and die but he knows he can fix this if he could just get some sleep.
After a minute he breathes slowly, gathering himself to keep Sandy from seeing this side of him when they inevitably run into each other again.

Finally he rises to his feet weakly, wobbling to the side but catches himself.)


Pitch: *sighs* ...


(When he turns and sees Sandy he jumps.)


Pitch: NUH! *frowns* I know wh-at you're thinking, Sandy, all right! But I wasn't leaving! I was...*pauses* Needed some air...

(Sandy pauses for a moment, then nods and shrugs, showing that he doesn't mind.
He gestures back towards the door with a small question mark above his head, asking if he's ready to go inside now.
Sandy keeps a very calm smile on his face the whole time, but
it's all Pitch has not to just fall back down.
Part of him even wants to fight, he always wants to fight but his body tells him otherwise.

He's a prisoner now; time to follow the warden.)


Pitch: *looks a bit defeated* ....Yes...


(He closes his eyes again for a moment, just resting them before moving forward.
Sandy begins to walk behind him to make sure he doesn't wonder off this time.
As they walk he comes up with a rather clever idea to help Pitch rest.
He smiles happily now with a little skip in his step.
Pitch is annoyed the whole way knowing Sandy has to follow his every move, but he doesn't protest.

All he really cares about right now is getting to sleep somewhere.)

Pitch: *eyes heavy* //Oh God, make it end...//

(He can barely walk in a straight line.
      Soon they get to the room and Sandy opens the door and walks in, yawning slightly.
He turns to Pitch and waits for him to walk in.
As Pitch finally enters his eyes swim with lust for the bed.
The one, and only bed there.

Seems like a predicament, but these opposing spirits will be sharing the bed in a less than traditional way.
While most people look at the covers and pillows, Pitch is eyeing the shaded underbelly of the frame.

It's ironic given the deal he's been given for his freedom, but is his nature.
There's a problem, though; no one ever watches the Boogeyman go under the bed -- they watch him come OUT from under it!

His body might be killing him but he will NOT lay down first.)


Pitch: *glances at him a few times* I...well what are you waiting for? *motions to the bed*


(He folds his arms and inhales shakily, waiting with nervous eyes that stare back at the bed.
Sandy studies him for a moment, and then it dawns on him.
Pitch is clearly letting his pride get the better of him, so he quickly tries to think of some reason to leave the room and give him privacy, and he has the perfect cover. Sandy has his eyes widen briefly in what he hopes looks like shock, then he starts to look around the room for something.
Once he's made a good enough show of that he turns to Pitch and holds up a finger as if to say "hold on a second," and promptly leaves the room.

Pitch watches him with fierce eyes, then quickly looks at the bed after he leaves.
Wait for it...
Without hesitation he dives under it, disappearing into the shade.

He sighs aloud in bittersweet relief, finding comfort in the dark and being out of the sight of others.)


Pitch: *groans softly* Ohhhhhhh, ohh...*sighs*

(Soon Sandy returns to the room knowing Pitch has probably vanished into the shadows by now.
He looks around, unable to see him but he can still sense he's nearby -- he chuckles quietly at the notion that Pitch is sleeping under his bed.
Without a sound Sandy walks up to the bed and happily lies down, closing his eyes.

Meanwhile below the bed, Pitch's eyes have already closed and he is almost asleep.
His body starts to go numb, loosening inside and his nerves all unwind.

All his energy, everything that's been damaged will finally have an opportunity to repair itself.
He will remain in a dead heavy sleep for three consecutive days, and will wake feeling replenished.

When the third day comes everyone had better get ready, for the Nightmare King will have truly returned~.)

Not too long ago Kitten and i did our first RotG rp and we started with the beginning of our head cannon -- bringing Pitch back!
This is all cannon characters and the only thing mentioned in here that is not shown or mentioned in the original movie is mention of a well in the forest.
It was for head cannon purposes.

This story was copied, pasted and edited by me, merging our replies and plans to make each transition smooth, and i also went back multiple times to fix any spelling or grammatical errors.
Characters were divided cleanly between us, with Sandy being shared around the middle.


--Jack Frost




--Nicolas North

--Tooth (and her fairies)

--Pitch Black

© 2015 - 2024 Fae-CaptainofDreams
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Whirlpool24's avatar
Aw poor Pitch. I really feel bad for him. This is why he's my favorite.